SKIN - Stretch Mark Dry Oil
SKIN - Stretch Mark Dry Oil
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SKIN Stretch Mark Dry Oil
Með ilm af mandarínu og léttari áferð, þurrolían fer fljótt djúpt inn í húðina og er fullkomin fyrir hversdagsnotkun.
SKIN Stretch Mark Dry Oil inniheldur:
Nærandi olía fyrir hversdagsnotkun á meðgöngu, einnig góð sem nuddolía. Ef húðin er virkilega þurr eða stíf er hægt að nota vöruna sem maska. Ríkulegt magn af olíunni er borið á svæðið og haft á í 30 mínútur eða yfir nótt og svo þvegið af.
Náttúruleg innihaldsefni
Einstök, einkaleyfð, náttúruleg innihaldsefni sem innihalda þykkni úr sætri, hvítri lúpínu fræjum sem örva kollagen myndun í húðinni fyrir betri teygjanleika.Einnig virka þau vel á húð sem er byrjuð að slappast, styrkja hana og gefa yngra yfirbragð.
Náttúruleg innihaldsefni með léttari áferð sem tryggir að olían fari hratt inn í húðina. Með framúrskarandi rakagefandi eiginleika. Kemur frá hágæða ólívu olíu.
Ilmolían úr mandarínunni endurnýjar húðina, kemur á jafnvægi og gerir hana mjúka og slétta. Olían þéttir húð og minnkar líkur á appelsínuhúð, myndun nýrra slita, endurnýjar og bætir teygjanleika hennar og kemur jafnvægi á olíukennda húð. Mandarínu olían örvar endurnýjun húðfrumna og bætir áferð húðarinnar.
Ein af bestu olíunum gegn hrukkum og örum, rósaberjaolían endurnýjar og sléttir húðina og minnkar ásýnd á örum. Hún viðheldur jafnvægi á fitusýrum og er framúrskarandi rakagjafi fyrir þurra húð. Endurnýjar skemmda húð svo þar komi ný, heilbrigð húð.
Algengt innihaldaefni í COCOSOLIS vörunum, kókosolía er ein af bestu náttúrulegu olíunum, hjálpar að endurnýja og gefa húðinni raka, ásamt því að veita henni teygjanleika. Stútfullt af nauðsynlegum fitusýrum, E vítamíni og K vítamíni.
Kakó smjör nærir og sléttir húðina og hjálpar við að minnka ásýnd á örum. Þetta er ein gagnlegustu olíunum fyrir húðina, hentar fyrir þurra og rakaþurra húð, slit og appelsínuhúð. Vinnur vel á vandamálasvæðum húðar. Eftir notkun verður húðin slétt, teygjanleg og mjúk. Mesti ávinngurinn af notkun kakósmjörs er að það minnkar rakatap húðar, örvar kollagen framleiðslu og hægir á öldrunarmerkjum.
Olían sem kemur af Morgunfrúnni sléttir og endurnýjar húðina. Ýtir undir frumuendurnýjun á því svæði sem hún er borin á og minnkar ásýnd slita og öra. Morgunfrúar olían hentar einnig vel til að næra húð eftir að hafa verið í sólinni eða miklum vind.
Sæt möndluolía róar þreytta húð, mýkir hana og endurheimtir ljóma. Hentar öllum húðgerðum, hár og neglur, sérstaklega þurra, viðkvæma eða auma húð. Sæt möndluolía inniheldur A, D og E vítamín sem Sweet almond oil contains vitamins A, D and E, sem endurnýja húðina, gera hana teygjanlegri og vernda hana fyrir öldrun, tilvalin til að vinna á slitum.
Avocado olían róar og mýkir húðina. Ríkt af A, D og E vítamínum, lesitín og kalíum, þekkt sem steinefni æskunnar,stuðlar að nýmyndun nýrra kollagenþráða og er því sérstaklega gagnlegt fyrir þurra, rakaþurra og viðkvæma húð.
Avocado oil fer fljótt inn í húðina, mýkir og styrkir hana svo hún verður teygjanlegri.
Ólívu olía gefur húðinni góðan raka og næringu. Hentar vel fyrir þurra, erta húð. Kaldpressuð ólívu olían hefur mýkjandi áhrif og veitr húðinni vítamín.
Vitamín E er framleitt náttúrulega af húðinni til að halda henni heilbrigðri og teygjanlegri. Kemur í veg fyrir þurrk i húðinni. E vítamín er einnig náttúrulegt rotvarnarefni og andoxunarefni, vel þekkt fyrir getu sína til að berjast gegn sindurefnum. Þetta dýrmæta vítamín hefur öflug endurnýjunaráhrif og örvar frumuendurnýjun. Það hefur einnig rakagefandi áhrif, endurheimtir raka og ferskleika húðarinnar.
English Below
- Special, completely natural ingredients with a light texture ensure quick and easy absorption of the oils.
- Helps reduce the risk of stretch marks during pregnancy, when experiencing a rapid change in weight or sudden growth.
- Stimulates the production of high-quality collagen in the skin.
- Rejuvenates dehydrated and ageing skin.
- Suitable for pregnant women.
- Suitable for delicate or sensitive skin.
SKIN Stretch Mark Dry Oil is an entirely natural product, effective at combating stretch marks and recommended for use on dehydrated and ageing skin.
With a gentle fragrance of mandarin and a light texture, the dry oil is quickly absorbed deep into the skin and is perfect for everyday use, even by the busiest women or future mothers.
SKIN Stretch Mark Dry Oil is a mix of carefully selected ingredients:
- Organic, cold-pressed oils – light, gentle and nourishing.
- Unique, patented and completely natural active ingredient containing an extract from sweet white lupin seeds, stimulating the production of high-quality collagen for proven better skin elasticity.
- Special, completely natural ingredients with a light texture ensure the quick and easy absorption of the oils.
- Natural Vitamin E.
Use daily. The extract from sweet white lupin seeds and the mix of organic oils stimulate the production of high-quality collagen, resulting in proven better skin elasticity. This smooths, soothes and revitalizes the skin, and eliminates stretch marks.
Applied daily, it makes the skin tighter, smoother and more elastic, nourishing intensively, moisturizing deeply and aiding regeneration. For best results, apply immediately after a shower, when the pores are open and ready to absorb the pure raw oils.
A fantastic nourishing oil for everyday use during pregnancy and for relaxing massages with an aromatherapy effect.
Also use as a mask for more intensive care of your skin. Apply a generous amount of the oil to the desired area. Leave for at least 30 minutes or even overnight, then wash off.

Unique, patented and completelh5y natural active ingredients, containing extracts from sweet white lupin seeds, stimulate the production of high-quality collagen for proven better skin elasticity. They also stimulate sagging skin, tightening it and making it look visibly younger.

Special, completely natural ingredients with a light texture ensure quick and easy absorption of the oils. With excellent moisturizing properties. Refined from high-quality olive oil.

The essential oil of mandarin regenerates the skin, restores its balance and makes it soft and smooth. It tightens skin that is prone to cellulite, prevents the formation of stretch marks, rejuvenates and improves the elasticity of the skin and enhances the balance of oilyoily skin. The mandarin oil stimulates the regeneration of skin cells and improves skin texture.

One of the best oils for wrinkles and scars, rosehip oil regenerates and smoothes the skin and removes scars. It maintains an optimal balance of fatty acids. Rosehip oil is an excellent moisturizing agent that quickly penetrates dry skin and restores the moisture to remodel the damaged skin structure, replace damaged tissues with new and healthy ones, and revive skin colour.

A common ingredient in COCOSOLIS products, coconut oil is one of the best natural oils, helping regenerate and moisturize the skin and providing flexibility and elasticity. It is full of essential fatty acids, vitamin E and vitamin K, ideal for moisturizing, making the skin softer and smoothing out imperfections like stretch marks.

Cocoa butter nourishes and smoothes the skin and helps remove scars. It is one of the most beneficial oils for the skin, suitable for dry and dehydrated skin, stretch marks and anticellulite massage of problem areas. After use, your skin will become smooth, elastic and velvety. One of the greatest benefits of using cocoa butter is that it slows the loss of moisture from the skin, stimulating collagen production and delaying signs of ageing.

The oily extract of calendula soothes and regenerates the skin. It boosts cell renewal in the areas where it is applied, making any existing stretch marks or scars less visible.
Calendula oil is also suitable for nourishing the skin after exposure to sun or wind.

Sweet almond oil soothes tired skin, softening it and helping it regain its glow. It is suitable for all skin types, hair and nails, and particularly valuable for dry, sensitive or sore skin. Sweet almond oil contains vitamins A, D and E, which regenerate the skin, making it elastic and protecting it from ageing – ideal for treating stretch marks.

Avocado oil soothes and moisturizes the skin. It is rich in vitamins A, D and E, lecithin and potassium, known as the mineral of youth, contributing to the synthesis of new collagen bonds and thus particularly valuable for dry dry and sensitive skin.
Avocado oil is absorbed quickly and deeply into the skin, softening and tightening it, making it elastic and smooth to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. It also helps restore skin cells, making it even more useful for application during pregnancy.

Olive oil hydrates irritated skin deeply, soothing and nourishing it. Cold-pressed pure olive oil has a visibly softening effect, literally feeding the skin with the vitamins and microelements it contains.

Vitamin E is produced naturally by the skin to keep it healthy and elastic, not prone to drying or wrinkles and resistant to infections and diseases. It is also a natural preservative and an antioxidant, well known for its ability to fight free radicals. This valuable vitamin has a powerful regenerating effect, stimulating cell renewal. It also has a moisturizing effect, restoring the moisture and freshness of the skin.
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